Siebel IP23 Installation
Table of contents
Recently, I did a Siebel installation for a sandbox environment on a Windows machine. Here are the steps I followed.
A Windows server with sufficient hardware configuration.
Keystore and Truststore: There can multiple ways to generate .jks files. I'll share the one which I have used.
Software used:
Oracle 19c Server
Oracle 19c 32-bit client
7 Zip (to unzip Siebel installable into a single folder)
MS Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2019
JDK8 (for Keystore)
OpenSSL (for Keystore)
Keymaker (for Keystore)
Siebel 23 Installables
Installation Steps:
Oracle Database 19c server installation: You can download the 64-bit Installable from the Oracle website and follow the steps shared here.
Oracle 19c 32bit Client installation: Now that your Oracle server is installed, go ahead and install the Client and test the connection.
Oracle 19c Client installation steps
Goto C:/Oracle_client/network/admin path and create a new tnsnames.ora file. Copy the tns entry from server (server_path/network/admin) and paste it into new tnsnames.ora file and save the file.
Now open the command prompt and test your connection with the server using SQLPLUS
Download and install MS Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2019. You can install this for both 32-bit and 64-bit. If you skip this step, your Oracle client might not work.
Download and Install JDK8. Here is the link.
Download and install 64 bit OpenSSL.
Download the Keymaker from the link provided below.
Download link. I have used the utility provided by Blacksheep CRM (They have a lot of quality Siebel-related content on their YT channel, in case you wish to explore more). Unzip the files at any location. Change the computer name to an FQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name).
Now go to the unzipped files and update make.cmd file. Update SAN and JAVA/SSL/SIEBEL (if applicable, as shown below).
Run the below command
make <fqdn> <password>
NOTE: Do not use this in Production.
Install SES (Siebel Enterprise Server)
select the .jks file that you have generated in the previous step
Change Java memory pool size (to 2560MB) by executing the below command:
C:\Users\Administrator>c:\Siebel\ses\applicationcontainer_internal\bin\Tomcat9w.exe //ES//SiebelApplicationContainer_Siebel_Home_c_Siebel_ses_Internal
Install the AI (Application Interface) by running the same installer again.
Enter details of the primordial user. These credentials would be used to login into SMC
Select the same file for Keystore and truststore.
After the installation completes, you can see ses and ai services running. Try opening below URL and you should be able to access Siebel SMC
Install Siebel Databasẹ: Run the below SQLs to generate tablespaces for siebel tables and indexes.
create tablespace S_DATA datafile 'S_DATA.dbf' size 3G AUTOEXTEND ON ;
create tablespace S_INDEX datafile 'S_INDEX.dbf' size 3G AUTOEXTEND ON ;
Next we have to create various required users and grant various roles/access to them. We do this by running grantusr.sql file which can be found in dbsrvr folder.
It will ask various details
PW_ TABLEOWNER : <siebel password>
PW_SADMIN : <sadmin password>
PW_LDAPUSER : <password>
PW_ GCSTUSER : <password>
PW_ GSTERMUSER : <password>
Run below SQLs, after grantusr.sql execution is completed
alter system set open_cursors = 5000 scope=both;
alter user SIEBEL DEFAULT TABLESPACE s_data quota unlimited on S_DATA;
alter user SIEBEL DEFAULT TABLESPACE s_index quota unlimited on S_INDEX;
alter user SADMIN DEFAULT TABLESPACE s_data quota unlimited on S_DATA;
alter user SADMIN DEFAULT TABLESPACE s_index quota unlimited on S_INDEX;
After this, run the DB installer wizard to install Siebel database. It will few min/hrs depending on the h/w configuration of your machine.
Install Siebel Tools by running the installation wizard again.
Create FS directory and provide at below step.
Test your tools.
Configure Siebel Gateway:
After clicking on OK you will be logged out. Relogin with SADMIN/<sadmin_password>
Gateway registry service should be running now.
And you smc should be looking something like this.
Configure Siebel Enterprise.
Copy the existing sample enterprise profile and edit it. This info will be used to create Ent ODBC datasource
This will take some time after Submit. Keep refreshing the status
Go to FS path and you will find various newly created folders.
New ODBC data source should be created with name <Enterprise_name>_DSN:
Configure Siebel Server:
Clone the sample profile and fill in your details
Save the profile and apply the server profile.
Choose the profile which you have created
This will take some time. You can see Siebel processes starting up in the task manager in the meantime.
You should now be able to connect server manager as well.
Configure the Application interface.
Similarly, create profile for EAI And Webtools
Deploy the profile:
Click submit and you are done!
Your application should now be up and running at below URL.